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We are going to have to add Nova Scotia to events

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:24 pm
by Safari_man
Hello and Greetings
Well got the first Star Wagons here that I brought in.There a few running around but not enough.
Got to get these two through the process of making them road legal. They are as much a head turner as a Unimog 404.
When we get a few here we will do events on a regular basis.
Thanking you


Re: We are going to have to add Nova Scotia to events

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 6:22 am
by Deli-East
Hello Stephen,

I see this is an older post but I just joined the group recently.
I live in NS and have a 1994 Spacegear arriving in Jan.2013.
I am looking for other Delica owners in NS to connect with.
Let me know if you still have yours?

Re: We are going to have to add Nova Scotia to events

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 5:27 pm
by FalcoColumbarius
Can we take a poll on this? If you guys can dig up more NS members then we will gladly build an events page for Nova Scotia or perhaps a page for the Maritimes.


Re: We are going to have to add Nova Scotia to events

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:10 am
by Deli-East

I am expecting to see more Delicas in Atlantic Canada in 2013.
I am creating a grass roots buzz and will ramp it up once mine shows up in a couple weeks.
It would be cool to see an Atlantic Canada Events Page and I want to be involved.
Thank you for your support.


Re: We are going to have to add Nova Scotia to events

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:39 pm
by TardisDeli
We will have to skype our Burnaby meetings at the same time you have your meetings, shall we plan one for as soon as you get your deli home, so that we can all help with the wierd questions (yup, that's how you fill the windshield washer.... or yup, they all sound like this ... or yup that's how the seats fold down ... etc). Welcome. Christine and Jay.

Re: We are going to have to add Nova Scotia to events

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:48 am
by Deli-East
Hey Christine and Jay,
Thank you for the reply. I think a coast to coast info session might work well on Skype. Lots to learn!
Stand by for an update from the right coast:)

Re: We are going to have to add Nova Scotia to events

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:03 am
by Deli-East

Here is the latest on the arrival of my Delica.....
Currently arriving in Baltimore.
Due to arrive in Halifax on January 14, 2013.

Re: We are going to have to add Nova Scotia to events

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:57 pm
by FalcoColumbarius
Deli-East wrote:Falco,

I am expecting to see more Delicas in Atlantic Canada in 2013.
I am creating a grass roots buzz and will ramp it up once mine shows up in a couple weeks.
It would be cool to see an Atlantic Canada Events Page and I want to be involved.
Thank you for your support.

Tell you what Jim, what is it that they say? "Build it and they will come"? Let's try this out and see what happens. I'll build the page and you populate it with Atlantic Canada members... smiles.


Re: We are going to have to add Nova Scotia to events

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:03 pm
by FalcoColumbarius
This thread has been moved to "Events - Atlantic Canada".


Re: We are going to have to add Nova Scotia to events

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:58 pm
by Deli-East
Giddy up.
Well done Falco.

Thanks, J

Re: We are going to have to add Nova Scotia to events

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 4:32 am
by jfmills73
Hi all
Yes, a page for Atlantic DelicaHeads would be great! I've had my 95 SuperExceed for two years now.
The whole family has enjoyed it, even if we have to raise our voices somewhat to talk to those in the rear seats.... Repair costs are also wallet jarring, but anyone who gets one should already be aware of the higher costs. Then again, my wife drove over a rock recently that would have caused $$$'s worth of damage in our Jetta, whereas the Delicas bottom plate was just slightly scraped.
I'm looking forward to meeting other owners as I know there are at least two others around and Jim will make three. We can also club together to bring in oil and air filters and reduce the shipping costs.


Re: We are going to have to add Nova Scotia to events

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 4:53 am
by Deli-East
Hi John,
Great to hear from you.
It sounds like we will have similar Delicas. Mine is a 1994 L400 Super Exceed in black.
Do you guys get out for Family adventures or is the Delica simply a practical vehicle for you?
I plan to organize some East coast adventures through such locals as Newfoundland, Cape Breton, Gaspe etc.
My hope is to get out and explore year round as I do not have much use for Winter weather otherwise.
My Delica is still on track for Jan.14th delivery to Halifax. She will go directly into Krown and then off to the tire shop. From there I will start to source a couple fun accessories.
I hope to run into you soon.
Are you on FaceBook?

Cheers, J

Re: We are going to have to add Nova Scotia to events

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:40 am
by Deli-East

I hope you have seen my recent post regarding a Meet and Greet coming up this sunday, February 03, 2013.

I will add the details here as well.

I hope to see you there....

OK folks, let's go with Sunday, February 03, 2013.

Time: 1:00pm

For the first time out I suggest we meet at the Starbucks in Bayers Lake beside Halifax Chrysler.

On Sunday there will be loads of parking with the adjoining office parking lots. We should need at least three spaces this first time out:)
Anyway, the coffee will be good and it is reasonably central and easy to find.

We can discuss your ideas for the next Geomeet location on Sunday.

Hope to see as many East Coasters as possible whether you own a Delica or are simply interested.

Contact me any time.

902 476-1759