I need your help with a simple experiment...

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Re: I need your help with a simple experiment...

Post by oceanchem »

Hi all, I thought I would update you with recent numbers and a couple of observations. So far in my experience there was not any measurable difference in fuel economy running with the outboard oil or with a cetane additive. In fact, most of the variability in our economy is related to who is driving the Ton Ton (my wife or myself) and then to how much highway driving we do (very little in Victoria to be had). Perhaps with a single driver one might detect some improvement with the Crappy Tire engine oil but for me that effect is lost in the noise of factors. Happy driving. See you on the road. Cheers, Jay
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Re: I need your help with a simple experiment...

Post by tonydca »

Thanks for updating, oceanchem.

I totally concur that my driving style has the single hugest impact on my mileage. I get around 10l/100kms on the highway at a Zen 100km/h, and almost 14 in rage-fuelled stop-and-go Vancouver driving.

But I still find that my worst mileage with 2-stroke is still a bit better than my worst mileage without it.

Also, after over a month of nothing but short city trips, I was noticing more black smoke in my mirror when I pulled away. I figured my injectors are getting a bit fouled, so I did a 500mL IPA flush and it immediately ran cleaner:

http://www.delica.ca/forum/big-ol-post- ... tml#p95305

For around $3 it's a pretty cheap repair job even I can't screw up too badly, and should pay for itself PDQ. 8-)
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Re: I need your help with a simple experiment...

Post by jessef »

tonydca wrote:I still find that my worst mileage with 2-stroke is still a bit better than my worst mileage without it.
echo this

There may not be absolute proof but if you consider that more than 90% of diesel forum members/owners say the same thing across mucho different vehicles/engines/driving conditions, the proof is in the pudding and the pudding is everywhere.

Using 2-stroke oil mixed with diesel will improve your fuel economy(maybe not by a large amount, but every little bit counts) and the engine will run a little smoother ie. less knocking. This is consistent with most diesel drivers' observations around the globe.

Kind of like religion, it works for some people and not for others. There's no push to use it but it doesn't hurt to try it out for a while and see if it's for you.
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Re: I need your help with a simple experiment...

Post by delicioso! »

yep, noticed it again on the cruiser, when it god really cold...she'll usually get 14L/100ks (and sometimes worse, b/c it's a quick drive to train station) stop and go mix/highway in cold weather...i then saw 12L/100k's a month ago after filling up, similar conditions in cold. there's somethin to it. we're well above zero now and there's some 2 stroke left, so i'll just dump the rest in and call it a season..and back to regular additives.
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Re: I need your help with a simple experiment...

Post by 4wdyvan »

I have read several posts and took your advice and it appears I have better fuel economy. Good for the Deli good for me...
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Re: I need your help with a simple experiment...

Post by mycale »

started using the 2-stroke oil, had the fuel filter changed out with the Seafoam purge....fuel efficiency has really improved (spreading pudding proof all over this post)
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Re: I need your help with a simple experiment...

Post by Mimic4 »

I know this thread is old but it's winter so i'm doing my homework..
Just from a strictly critical thinking stand point, adding lubrication to the fuel isnt likely to increase MPG by any dramatic number. (Just like anything you can dump into your fuel tank.) I mean, its probably just easier on the parts that it passes through, such as fuel pump, lines, injectors, etc etc.. And even if it was 1/200th easier for the fuel pump to move, well you're not going to see that in your mileage. Thats some serious hypermilling.

Cetane booster, changing the delay in how quickly the fuel ignites might help your mileage if your timing is off, or under some serious load, but it will likely only help if your fuel isn't burning completely and the engine is exhausting a lot of unburnt fuel. (In which case, if the cetane is higher, and its burning faster/sooner, more energy will be changed into mechanical energy.) But that situation might be remediated easier with a lighter foot or a change in injection timing.

The real question is the lubridity of the fuel and how it extends the longeivty of the moving parts. Although i'm curious if when they switched to ultra low sulphur, that they added something already to replace its lubricative factors, or just rely on the consumer to do it. (Or just decay engines faster to make money on repairs. :P)

...anyways though I'm pretty new to this diesel engine thing but thats just my 2¢. :)

I havent decided if I want to start pouring anything into my gas tank.
(Might I add that usually when an additive promises an MPG increase it definitely costs more than the fuel you will save.)
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Re: I need your help with a simple experiment...

Post by CREGAN »

I have recently changed my fueling up chemistry. I now put 200ml of 2 Stroke (in fall and winter, but I plan on stopping when it warms up) and I put 120ml per tank of a little Amsoil mixture. I mix Cetene Boost and Diesel Additive 50/50 from Amsoil. I paid a little for a membership with Amsoil, so I get all my oils and additives through them. I call it my Booster Juice. It seems to work really well, and I get slightly higher milage. Nothing super though - about 475-500km per tank.

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