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The Van makes a 2000 mile road trip.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:50 pm
by IdahoDoug
Well, I got the Van running well enough I had confidence in lending it out to an older relative from Denmark to drive for a month here in the US. They had a great time in it, though they commented it had trouble in the hills. On Vancouver Island, it sprang a leak in the rubber fuel filler hose and some shop there ripped their head off for $497 to replace it. They were pissed, and so am I. I haven't even looked under it, because I don't want to wince at seeing 4 feet of ordinary large diameter fuel hose and a pair of fresh hose clamps for the kind of money you'd spend on a radiator/water pump repair on the road. Grrr...

I've had it back for a week now, and it still puts a smile on my face every time I drive it. Today I came out of the hardware store to a couple in their 80s peering in the window. They thought it was a new type of hyper efficient vehicle. I should have snapped a photo of them cupping their hands on the window and peering in. Priceless.

Re: The Van makes a 2000 mile road trip.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:49 pm
by originalkwyjibo
That's awesome it did so well for your relatives! Too bad about being gouged for the repair though. This must be a common issue as both of my vans need that hose replaced. The shop must charge $1000 per hour. It's just not that hard to replace and bulk fuel hose would be more than adequate. Maybe since they were in Canada they sourced the part from one of the local importers that sells Delica parts.