Guinness World Record - Delica WVO - Oct 19, Driving through

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Guinness World Record - Delica WVO - Oct 19, Driving through

Post by driventosustain »

October 1st my girlfriend Cloe and myself are embarking on an epic mission to raise awareness on sustainable living. We will be driving 45 000 km all over North America and getting as much media attention as possible. The entire trip will be filmed for a documentary or TV mini series on our return. We plan to interview and discuss with professionals across N. America about 10 critical issues that humans negatively impact. Learn more on

I am enlisting the help of anyone in the Delica community that is willing to help with conversions this month in Victoria. The WVO conversion will be taking place on the 17th - 20th. I am also installing a bed, that can hopefully fold up to become a couch in the back, flood lights, trailer hitch, and other necessities. If anyone has experience in any of these, or just wants to help tool around and have a beer, then please email me.

Your help would be greatly appreciated, put forward to a good cause, and will be recognized on our website and possibly on our vehicle.
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