Pajero Cylinder head Replacement and a few other tunings

A close "cousin" of the Mitsubishi Delica
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Pajero Cylinder head Replacement and a few other tunings

Post by Vanislpajero »

Hello everyone, the inevitable happen and guess what...........Yes Im repairing my pajero and replacing the Cylinder head. I will do most of this work from home but I have a few other things I want to Mod while things like the Turbo, Manifolds, and Exhaust are disconnected. While the Fans off as well Im going to replace it with an electric one possibly. I will have to see what I find though. All in the pursuit of making this truck run better then before, run cooler than before and maybe get a little more power out of it as well. To be honest I'm not that concerned about doing 110km down the highway. I like driving slower but I also like a truck to run with the best efficiency as possible.

The cylinder head will be just your standard swap. I don't see any Mods that can be done here other than a custom grind on the cam shaft. Im not so interested in that so Im going to move on from there.

Intake system and Intake Manifold. Im thinking about smoothing it out to some extent as smoother air would be better. Since there is no fuel/air mixing happening inside the manifold I figure it can be as smooth as possible. Especially parts where there are transitions between different parts. I have to be careful here as over modifying can actually be useless. I will have to see what everything looks like on the inside when its actually apart.

Turbo will have Two Mods done. First is smoothing out the intake to the compressor. There is a bevel in it and I think it would do better if it wasnt as steep of an angle. Second is to increase the down pipe diameter. Im hoping to get a 2.5 inch inner diameter out of it or possibly 3 inches. I will have to see when I get it off and can actually see the back of the turbo properly. I will also work on the waist gate...I would like to get 12 psi out of it.

Exhaust manifold will also be smoothed out as much as possible too and the transition to the turbo made as smooth as possible. I really can't wait to see what it all looks like in there. I hope to put some really high temperature paint on it as well.

I would like to figure out something with the intercooler. It works fine enough I think but its size is rather small. Im hoping I can just make a custom high flow intercooler that will fit in the stock location. I also want to find a pajero hood with the built in hood scoop...otherwise I will have to make my own!

The Radiator is going to have whatever magic work they do at radiator shops done to it. I want to make sure its as good as possible before its cooling the new head. I also am going to replace the water pump.

Exhaust is actually 2.5 inches already but it has crush bends so its hardly better than 2 inches in the corner...this is hardly better than the stock system so I will do something about that as well. Either a full 2.5 inch stainless system or I will just do 3 inches all the way back with crush bend corners....The larger crush bend should compensate for the smaller corners. Its just a theory anyways

Im also going to take out the injectors and pop test them. I have all the equipment available to work on them. I might even increase the pressure just a little bit. Maybe 5-10 psi. I think this might work well with the extra air the engines going to get as well as turning the fuel pump up to match.

If any of you guys have some sweet ideas to add to this list or have done simular things please tell them to me...Im open for all things that are epic!!

I will have pictures when things start going back together with final descriptions of what mods I actually do...things change as you start working on something and as money comes in or doesnt come in.
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