Pajero section

A close "cousin" of the Mitsubishi Delica
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Re: Pajero section

Post by Dino »

Don't quote me on this, but I believe the 2.5L Paj's share the same running gear as the 3.0L gasser, and the 2.8L shares with the 3.5L gasser. There are some differences in parts, but generally they are same in construction. Not as different as the L300 to the L400, but still different.
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Re: Pajero section

Post by FalcoColumbarius »

So we could probably get away, at least at first with one group then expand as we need it? Fred, can you get me those PDFs and I can see about loading them ~ I'm thinking a sub-forum under "Pajero" to start while I build something in the Dedicated Reference Library.

Sent from my smart pad, using a pen.

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