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Emission controls?

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:54 pm
by Drumster
I haven't committed yet to an L400 but very close and am trying to find out certain things. I'm interested in doing engine mods such as water/methanol injection to make for a cleaner burning engine and it's my understanding that such mods are much easier when you don't have to work around today's computer controlled fuel systems & emissions junk. :o

I'm under the impression that a 1994 Spacegear's 2.8 TDi will have no computer sensors or any such computer controlled gizmos.

Am I way off here or is this correct? Just what will I find in that regard? :shock:


Re: Emission controls?

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:16 pm
by delicat

Are you sure you want to install a water/meth injection? A few of us who have it still haven't seen any results. Could be my install, could be that it's not as advertised... Unless you already read the 13 pages thread on this and are still willing to give it a try! And sorry, no answer for your future 400

Re: Emission controls?

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:02 am
by Drumster
delicat wrote:Drumster,

Are you sure you want to install a water/meth injection? A few of us who have it still haven't seen any results. Could be my install, could be that it's not as advertised... Unless you already read the 13 pages thread on this and are still willing to give it a try! And sorry, no answer for your future 400

Hi Delicat. Yeah, I did read all that. It's too bad really 'cuz that's a fairly well known tech. I would hope it's just a matter of adjustments & fine tuning and/or other elements of the drive line being a bit off. Makes me wonder if I could make it work myself. I find it odd that the pump isn't variable speed and sync'ed to turbo flow rather than simply on or off. Nonetheless, I like to think I can somehow get the mill to run cleaner at least so as to last longer. I know that all the crap that builds up in an engine and circulates to wear things out comes primarily from unburnt fuel and this system should remove a lot of it.
I tend to believe Guamdoc that these things work; as long as every thing's perfectly set up & dialed in correctly. Not that I've decided to buy one but I'm not dismissing it just yet either. I'll have to talk with someone who has a better understanding of the whole engine/turbo/intercool process before I take the leap. (I 'spose I should get the Deli first too! :-D ) I hope things turn around with yours.

I tried joining the discussion at his site and the correct answer in the registration process was rejected; repeatedly. I have no idea why. I e-mailed the folks there last night and haven't heard back from them.

Of course there's other technologies available too. I'm sure a lot of them being offered are quackery but I think there's valid stuff too. I wouldn't mind trying these two (below), among a few other possible candidates:

Waterless rad coolant (it won't expand or boil)
Metal-ceramic engine treatment

Nothing's nailed just down yet but I'm pretty excited. I expect my L400 will be green and I'll call it...

Re: Emission controls?

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:11 am
before you go planing to mod the L400 engine, DRIVE one, its maybe only a 2.8L turbo vs the L300 little 2.5L but it seems to have about twice the power, when you put your foot into it, it actually drives away alot faster, not just rev's up . put in the K&N air filter, upgrade your exhaust, and it will FLY....

Not that I would ever encourage any one to break the law and speed, but the L400 will easily do 120K/hr on the highway EASILY, and will clear the Malahat at 90-100 with out increasing the temp.

I cant say much about the Coq, as its to far to go for a Test drive, but I have dual auxilary Flexi lite fans on the Outside of my rad and the mechanical one on the inside for Super incredible cooling.

The L400 May be a delica but Comparing its power to the L300 is like comparing a new v6 toyota truck VS Early 80's toyota mini truck.
Sorry, but its true

Re: Emission controls?

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:45 pm
by Drumster wrote:before you go planing to mod the L400 engine, DRIVE one, its maybe only a 2.8L turbo vs the L300 little 2.5L but it seems to have about twice the power, when you put your foot into it, it actually drives away alot faster, not just rev's up . put in the K&N air filter, upgrade your exhaust, and it will FLY....

Not that I would ever encourage any one to break the law and speed, but the L400 will easily do 120K/hr on the highway EASILY, and will clear the Malahat at 90-100 with out increasing the temp.

I cant say much about the Coq, as its to far to go for a Test drive, but I have dual auxilary Flexi lite fans on the Outside of my rad and the mechanical one on the inside for Super incredible cooling.

The L400 May be a delica but Comparing its power to the L300 is like comparing a new v6 toyota truck VS Early 80's toyota mini truck.
Sorry, but its true
That sounds great. I actually don't have any concerns about the 2.8's power. What I'm really interested in are increasing economy and more than that; burning clean. Much of what I've read about HHO and water injection type gizmos is that they tend to make for a cleaner, more complete burn. If it's true, it should make an engine last a lot longer and have less garbage spewing out. The Water/Alcohol thread with "Guamdoc" seems to have gone dormant. I hope the guys involved get some results. There was another thread from last year about Hydrogen generators and a member named Wan. That's fallen silent too; not a positive sign.

BTW, what tires can you recommend for coastal BC general purpose? I'm thinking some sort of all seasons.

Re: Emission controls?

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:59 pm
I like the BFG All terrains, they seem to wear like they are iron, but do also pick up alot of small rocks.
we built a hydrogen generator and put it into my uncles F250 diesel and he says he get about 10-15% better mileage with it, so not the massive increase people are saying, mind you we dident make a massive system, the L400 does have a couple of different trans modes for better mileage or more power, if you want to keep it stock and better on fuel, go with Bio diesel or wvo system, then you close the carbon circle and your engine will run better .

Re: Emission controls?

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:14 pm
by Drumster wrote:I like the BFG All terrains, they seem to wear like they are iron, but do also pick up alot of small rocks.
we built a hydrogen generator and put it into my uncles F250 diesel and he says he get about 10-15% better mileage with it, so not the massive increase people are saying, mind you we dident make a massive system, the L400 does have a couple of different trans modes for better mileage or more power, if you want to keep it stock and better on fuel, go with Bio diesel or wvo system, then you close the carbon circle and your engine will run better .
I tried a Hydro Boost a few years ago on a Ford V-6 E van. It was a messy disaster. But I'm not ruling out that tech which seems to work depending on who sets it up; like your uncle. One thing that puzzled me was that the thing's production didn't adjust to engine speed and air intake and another thing was this; that the more water in the unit the more exposure to the electrodes there is and as the level goes down so does electrode exposure... which means progressively less HHO production as the water boils away. Anyway, glad it worked for your uncle. Is it still working to this day? Have you ever checked into GEET (Global Environmental Energy Technology.) fuel processor? Plasma fields & so on... pretty wild stuff and no shortage of controversy but there's actually cars running on it. Apparently there's all kinds of people running lawnmowers & such with them. Cars... are a bit more complicated but evidently it's been done too. ... t/geet.htm

BTW, how does one get involved with using WVO? You're in my home town of Victoria. Do you know who I should see over on this side of the trench?

Oh, y'know what I REALLY want to find out is about L400 compliance. Head lights will already be good but I'll need tires and DTR lights. Is there anything else needed on an L400 besides those two? I've got to get all my ducks in a row, so to speak.

Re: Emission controls?

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:28 am
by marsgal42
The 4D and 4M engines are awfully good already, and there just isn't any scope for major improvements in exhaust emissions or power.

You can play with all the internet fads you like, but don't expect much - they range from awkward ways to solve non-problems that don't actually matter, to out-and-out snake oil. If expecting results to be measurable and repeatable, and being deeply skeptical of claims that violate well-known principles makes me a card carrying member of The Scientific Establishment, so be it. :shock:

WVO, on the other hand, really does reduce your fossil fuel usage. If you want something to play with, it's money well spent.
