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Re: Around The World In Ten Years (+HST).

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:08 am
by viajeros4x4x4
We just uploaded some photos of the trip around the world in our gallery... This time it was quite difficult to find a parking place in Gizeh, Egypt...


Re: Around The World In Ten Years (+HST).

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:48 am
by viajeros4x4x4
More photos...

THE RACE HORSES AND THE BEST DONKEY!!! (some new friends from a race track garage in Infineon, Petaluma, California, helped us to fix some problems...)

THE DELICA MOTEL (close to Death Valley, California)

ELEPHANTS IN THE DELI WINDOW... (Mana Pools, Zimbabwe)


TILL THE END OF THE WORLD (If I'm going to hell, I'm going in a Delica) (Argentina)

Re: Around The World In Ten Years (+HST).

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:14 am
by TardisDeli
News Update for Delica fans, after 10 years of travel, Pablo and Anna and their L300 La Cucaracha arrived in Canada. Super nice people, very good english, great humour, quiet, I highly recommend them as dinner guests (happily not fussy, eat everything) and as house guests. They prefer to sleep in their Delica, and appreciate use of your shower and laundry. They leave Vancouver soon for Inuvik, then over to Quebec, then back across Canada to Vancouver.

So far, we have amazed them with our huge group of L300's, the generosity this group has given to them. On Saturday 18 June 2011 they arrived at the CVI Annual Appreciation Day, then they stayed with Falco. Last night 22 June I invited them for a Dinner Party at the TardisDeli Motel which became a Delica Work Party as guests crawled under La Cucaracha with tools to add things they donated such as heat exchanger to make a hot shower (luxury), replace bumper, and console and cabinetry work. After a lovely evening talking with them, and some final minor maintenance today, they leave soon to go North. The L300 is very well maintained and loved, and Anna is an excellent mechanic, as is Pablo.

Who can offer a meal or shower along their way? Or emergency contact info? You can PM them here, and they Skype phone when they find wifi.

Cheers, Christine.

Re: Around The World In Ten Years (+HST).

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:52 am
by jessef
They can use our shower/kitchen/home in kitsilano. We are on the beach and they may appreciate being close to the water especially the huge kits outdoor pool.

Re: Around The World In Ten Years (+HST).

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:04 am
by viajeros4x4x4
Ey Delicas!
It is great to be around and, honestly, we are overwhelmed with the support and friendship we are receiving in Vancouver from Delica Fans....
First, thanks to Falco. He fished us from the net (I hope that sounds good in english) and invited us to the CVI meeting where we start to know the Delica community of Vancouver. Then many thanks to Butch and Mardy for their support with many small parts that have been suffering the stress of 24 hours living in our Cockroach around the world during the last 11 years...
And many thanks also to TardisDeli and Rich and Jesse (and probably I'll forgot someone, sorry) who are also helping us with parts and luxury (yes, hot shower is luxury). They were breathing African and Latin American soil yesterday evening, while they were hammering (ouch) to take out some broken bolts and replacing parts.
Today we will be still working around in Tardis Dali Motel, and in the afternoon we`ll move to Rich place to replace some fossil wood from our cabinets..
And then... well, we´ll go back to the road, to Inuvik and beyond...

And in one or two years we´ll come back to Vancouver to cross to Japan...

That´s all we know about our future... with the help of Delica Fans it looks shiner than this rainy morning in Vancouver....

See you around, or in the road.

Re: Around The World In Ten Years (+HST).

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:34 pm
by FalcoColumbarius
viajeros4x4x4 wrote:......thanks to Falco. He fished us from the net .......
Yo aprendí de ver a los pescadores en la Playa de Calahonda ... sonrisas.

Señor Falco

Re: Around The World In Ten Years (+HST).

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:27 am
by RichD
Someone was saying that they were struggling to translate Pablo and Ana's blog - here is a translated link. Obviously the grammar goes through the blender with the machine translation but its readable. ...

Re: Around The World In Ten Years (+HST).

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:43 am
by viajeros4x4x4
Gracias Rich!
It works! It's a very interrrrresting translation, but works!

Re: Around The World In Ten Years (+HST).

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:58 am
by viajeros4x4x4
Craaaaazy.... I`m getting craaaaazy!!!

Friends, we were going to stay here just a couple of days... And then, we got problems. That means, we met a lot of the Delica guys in Vancouver.
And we rebuilt our beautiful and beloved Cucaracha Libre. Here, some photos... for another 11 years on the road!!!

With Rich, great guy, he helped us to rebuilt our Deli furniture after 11 years on the road.

Jay, a fanatic, he loves mechanic problems because he loves to solve them.

With Christine and Jesse on the Deli swap...

Falco, he fished us from the inter-net and guided us during the first days in Vancouver

Thank you very much to everybody!!!

Re: Around The World In Ten Years (+HST).

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:02 pm
by viajeros4x4x4
& More photos

In the Deli swap

With Jay & Félix, who is starting his own trip in less than a month... GOOD LUCK AND ENJOY!!!

Two weird Delis... the around the world one & the 6 wheels one

Re: Around The World In Ten Years (+HST).

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:49 pm
by nxski
Just saw you on main street by broadway :-)

Re: Around The World In Ten Years (+HST).

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:09 am
by viajeros4x4x4
Si... that were our last moments in Vancouver...

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:20 am
by nvanadm
Are you guys coming through south western Ontario on your way out east? Let me know if you need a place to stay and a hot shower.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:21 am
by nvanadm
I am in London, Ontario.

Re: Around The World In Ten Years (+HST).

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 4:23 pm
by viajeros4x4x4
Hi guys! Thank you very much for all the people who wrote to us offering a place to rest and park during some days. But after a very intense social life in Vancouver, we decided to go back to our isolate road life... Anyway, the first days of september we'll be back to Vancouver... See you then?